The Periodic Table of Light
Is the periodicity of the elements a function of the periodicity of the octave? Is matter better understood as a manifestation of very high-frequency light harmonics? To approach this question lets first consider a...
Endless Octaves of Light
To begin to understand energy, it is necessary to develop an understanding of harmonics. How convenient is it that the underlying infinite intelligence has endowed humanity with senses that can be used by the...
The Music of Matter
The principles of harmonics, well-known to the musician, are the very principles that govern the laws of physics. All octaves of energy, whether within the range of human investigation or beyond it, are the same....
Release of drumfish “Memoirs”
In addition to my love of math and physics, I also love to write and perform music. I am very happy to announce that tonight I will be releasing my latest CD titled “Memoirs” at a performance in Vienna Virgina with...
The Effect of Base on Numeric Fields
Today I have been investigating the effect of a base on number systems. My investigation has shown me that whenever a mind elects to subdivide the conscious field of One into myriad parts, that no matter which base...
Mapping the Terrains of Consciousness with Foundational Mathematics
Today I’d like to share a method which I have discovered about how to think about the nature of numbers in terms of how numbers can offer a means to visualize the underpinnings of the conscious field. I have called...
The Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio, also known as Phi. What is Phi? Phi is a ratio of lengths which possesses many remarkable characteristics. A unique and telling feature of Phi is that if you add 1 to its value, the result is Phi...
Foundational Tables of Multiplication
Can numbers tell us about the structure of the universe? Perhaps they can. Within the internal structure of integers is embedded information that may shed some light. In what follows I will share some...
Analyzing the Growth of Form Across Dimension
It occurs to me that the number of points needed for a coordinate system to allow the definition of form across a desired number of dimensions is given by “two to the power of d” where d is the number of dimensions...
Energy and Harmonics
What is energy? When a thermodynamic gradient is manifest, such as a gravity field, an emf gradient, a temperature gradient, we say that there exists an energy well. When such wells of potential are tapped and...